The Leaderboard feature allows you to compete in four statistical categories against the CityPlay community, with scoring based on gender and age. Each leaderboard displays the profile details of leading players and current scores for each category.
How to join the Leaderboards:
- Open your CityPlay app.
- Go to the ‘Settings’ tab.
- Click on ‘Privacy and sharing’.
- Under ‘Leaderboards’, select the tick next to ‘Join the leaderboards’.
- You are now included in the Leaderboards!
Important things to know about the Leaderboard feature:
- You can filter your Leaderbords by time and age groups by clicking the filter icon
on the right side of the screen.
- You can filter your Leaderbords by time and age groups by clicking the filter icon
- There are four statistical categories included in the leaderboards:
- Ball possessions
- Kicking power
- Work rate
- Top speed
- There are four statistical categories included in the leaderboards:
- The leaderboards only include stats from match sessions that are ≥ 20 minutes in duration. You must perform at least one match session of ≥ 20 minutes to find your ranking on the leaderboards.
- The rankings are organized first by the statistical result, and then by the date / time the score was performed.
- Each leaderboard displays a total of 20 users. The 20 displayed users include:
- The top 10 users of the relevant leaderboard.
- Your ranking and the 9 other users fall before / after you.
- If a leaderboard is empty, please wait as more players need to join for there to be rankings.
- The units of measurement are displayed according to your settings.
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